Monday, July 30, 2007

Senator's responses to Bush/Cheney Impeachment

I emailed my Connecticut State senators Joseph Liberman and Joseph Courtney letting them know that I would like them to impeach Bush and Cheney. Here are their responses. Clearly Lieberman is Bush's little puppet because he doesn't think there is enough evidence to impeach Bush and Cheney. Here are 10 reasons alone from

1. Violating the United Nations Charter by launching an illegal "War of Aggression" against Iraq without cause, using fraud to sell the war to Congress and the public, misusing government funds to begin bombing without Congressional authorization, and subjecting our military personnel to unnecessary harm, debilitating injuries, and deaths.

2. Violating U.S. and international law by authorizing the torture of thousands of captives, resulting in dozens of deaths, and keeping prisoners hidden from the International Committee of the Red Cross.

3. Violating the Constitution by arbitrarily detaining Americans, legal residents, and non-Americans, without due process, without charge, and without access to counsel.

4. Violating the Geneva Conventions by targeting civilians, journalists, hospitals, and ambulances, and using illegal weapons, including white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and a new type of napalm.

5. Violating U.S. law and the Constitution through widespread wiretapping of the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant.

6. Violating the Constitution by using "signing statements" to defy hundreds of laws passed by Congress.

7. Violating U.S. and state law by obstructing honest elections in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006.

8. Violating U.S. law by using paid propaganda and disinformation, selectively and misleadingly leaking classified information, and exposing the identity of a covert CIA operative working on sensitive WMD proliferation for political retribution.

9. Subverting the Constitution and abusing Presidential power by asserting a "Unitary Executive Theory" giving unlimited powers to the President, by obstructing efforts by Congress and the Courts to review and restrict Presidential actions, and by promoting and signing legislation negating the Bill of Rights and the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

10. Gross negligence in failing to assist New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina, in ignoring urgent warnings of an Al Qaeda attack prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and in increasing air pollution causing global warming.


July 24, 2007

Dear Mr Borg:

Thank you for contacting me to express your frustrations with the Bush Administration. I appreciate the time you took to share your views with me.

The government of the United States is unique because it structurally decentralizes, divides, disperses, and limits power. Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution outlines the provisions of impeachment. The framers adopted a narrow view of the English practice of impeachment, and it has only been carried out on a select few occasions in our nation=s history.

I believe we are lucky to live here in America, because we are able to work out our differences not with civil wars, but with spirited elections. We resolve our disputes not through acts of violence, but through the rule of law. And we preserve and protect our system of justice best when we accept its judgments that we disagree with most. Each citizen who has reached the legal voting age is given the opportunity to voice his or her opinion during an election by casting a vote in favor of the candidate who will best represent his or her interests.

Currently, there is no legislation pending before the Senate that seeks to impeach President Bush. Please be assured that I understand your frustrations and I will keep them in mind as Congress votes whether or not to advance the Administration=s agenda both foreign and domestic. I encourage you to remain an active and informed voter.

My official Senate web site is designed to be an on-line office that provides access to constituent services, Connecticut-specific information, and an abundance of information about what I am working on in the Senate on behalf of Connecticut and the nation. I am also pleased to let you know that I have launched an email news update service through my web site. You can sign up for that service by visiting and clicking on the "Subscribe Email News Updates" button at the bottom of the home page. I hope these are informative and useful.

Thank you again for letting me know your views and concerns. Please contact me if you have any additional questions or comments about our work in Congress.

Joseph I. Lieberman


Dear Mr. Borg,

Thank you for contacting me to express your support for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice-President Cheney. I appreciate your comments and having the benefit of your views.

As a Member of Congress I have an obligation to stand up to the failed policies of the Bush Administration. On just about every major issue facing the United States, President Bush and Vice-President Cheney have taken this country in the wrong direction - healthcare, chronic deficits, the environment, trade policy, the list goes on and on.

Clearly, though, President Bush's war policy in Iraq is the most damaging to our nation. As a member of the Armed Services Committee I have been part of the new majority's effort to hold hearings on the Bush Administration's misuse of intelligence in Iraq, under equipping our troops, and failure to develop an appropriate exit strategy. I have voted every time against President Bush's war policy, and will continue to use my office to oppose this disastrous war.

The instances of Bush Administration mistakes are too numerous to mention in this one letter. Please be assured that I share your frustration and will continue to demand accountability and to exercise rigorous oversight.

Once again, thank you taking the time to contact my office. Should you have any additional comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future. For more information on my views on other issues or to see what I have been working on in Congress, please feel free to visit my official website at and sign up for my e-newsletter.

Member of Congress